The following is a list of restaurant inspections performed by the Angelina County & Cities Health District from Aug. 5-10.
The reports take into account the cleanliness of the restaurant or business, not the quality of the food.
Luckett’s Hole in One Cafe, 4306 S. First St., Lufkin
Reasons for violations: gauge not working on the mechanical warewashing machine, work order placed while on site; no chemical test strips on site to properly monitor chemical sanitation; clean fountain drink nozzle at the bar, corrected on site, nozzle removed and cleaned; implement a cleaning frequency with detailed job descriptions for staff, will follow up for overall general cleanliness in 14 days. Focus on the areas discussed and work in sections to ensure all areas are being cleaned; discontinue use of the mechanical warewashing machine until the final rinse reaches the manufacturer’s instructions. Health inspectors heat plate used to verify the final rinse is only reaching 109F. Service technician called while on site; remove cloth rags from utensils and equipment shelving, dishes must fully air dried; utensils shall be stored in a clean container, remove forks, spoons and knives to be cleaned, the cup of utensils at the bar removed and cleaned; no lid on the trash can; several walls in the food preparation area need to be repaired to remove the chipping paint and damaged sheetrock, previously noted on inspections, since that inspection some areas have been repainted and repaired but not all; repair the damaged missing floor tiles near the mechanical warewashing machine; repair the damaged ceiling in the dry storage, seating area at bar, seating area in dining room. Owner stated they have some roof sections that need to be patched. Owner will place work order with facility owner for repairs. In the dry storage area remove all food and utensils that may be affected by the leak; repair the swinging door into the kitchen, patched with duct tape; clean under and behind equipment throughout the facility, focus on sections; clean the walls in the prep area, food debris observed; clean the corners in the bar area.
Big’s No. 3850, 3019 S. John Redditt Drive, Lufkin
Reasons for violations: no bodily fluid cleanup kit on site; ice in the ice merchandiser is bagged on site but bears the address of a facility in San Antonio. Ice bagged on site must have the store’s information. Discontinue serving ice until labeling corrected; chemical test strips on site expired Dec. 5, 2018, no others on site; no chemical sanitation on site to properly sanitize food-contact surface, manager states she is receiving some in a shipment this week; general clean needed in the inside the reach-in coolers to remove debris; additional storage shelving needed in the storage building behind the store, single-service items observed stored on the floor; hand sink was being used as storage upon entry, instructed staff to remove utensils and equipment; keep the dumpster lid closed. Lid open and full of trash upon entry; trash can needed for the disposal of the hand towel at the front hand sink, no trash can accessible; no lid was observed on the trash can in the restroom, lid required for feminine waste; restroom door must fully close, increase the tension on the spring; no disposable towels were stocked at the designated hand sink, corrected on site, stocked with disposable towels; no hand washing reminder located at the hand sink or in the restroom instructing employee to wash hands prior to returning to work; general clean needed along the baseboards in the main area of the stores, debris buildup observed.
General comment: Overall general cleanliness of the store has improved from the last routine inspection.
Yoki’s Cakes & More, 1005 E. Denman Ave., Lufkin
Reasons for violations: post the health permit in public view; a certified food manger is required on site at all times during the food operation. The certification must be posted next to the health permit in a conspicuous location; all employees must obtain a food handlers certification within 30 days of hire and shall be kept on site for regulatory review; employee Health Policy sign shall be posted in a conspicuous location for employees to review. Agreements shall be kept on site for regulatory review; fully stocked first aid kit required on site; bodily fluid clean up kit and policy required; chemical test strips required to monitor chemical sanitation; the first routine inspection is performed 30-90 days after the pre-open inspection. Inspections are unannounced and will require the full attention of the certified food manager in charge; facility OK to open.
Pitser Garrison Convention Center, 601 N. Second St., Lufkin
General comment: Facilities not open at the time of inspection. No event scheduled. Facility was in the process of being deep-cleaned. All cold-holding units tempted within range and overall general cleanliness is exceptional. After cleaning the ice scoops store them in a designated container, hook or rack.
Walgreens No. 12601, 1000 W. Frank Ave., Lufkin
General comment: Facilities in good repair and exceptionally clean. Keep up the good work.
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